IELTS Writing


    IELTS Writing

    The Writing section of the IELTS is of sixty minutes. Candidates are required to work on two tasks classified as writing tasks one and two. The questions in the two genres, Academic and Generic, are distinct. The Following describes the tasks in detail.

    Academic Writing

    Task 1

    Time: 20 minutes

    A pictorial representation, in the form of tables, diagrams, charts and graphs, is given. The candidate is required to summarize whatever content has been shown in the given representation.

    Task 2

    Time: 40 minutes

    The candidates have to construct an essay on topics that relate to the environment, culture, immigration and technology. The task includes an agreement or disagreement to a debatable topic or discussing the two opposing views the topic poses. The question includes the advantages and loopholes of the topic and an explanation of the problem given (if any). The cause of a certain problem and its solutions are also included in this task.

    General Training Writing

    Task 1

    Time: 20 minutes

    The candidates ought to write a letter requesting for explanation and information about situations. The tasks include demanding and expressing desires, opinions and requirements.

    Task 2

    Time: 40 minutes

    This task involves essay writing on topics that define a perspective, argument or issue that people need to discuss.

    Different Sections on the IELTS Writing 

    General Training

    IELTS General Writing Task 1

    The candidates are provided with a situation in which a 150-word letter is to be written. The particulars declare the style (personal, semi-formal or formal) in which the test-taker has to write the letter. Three bullet points are listed that declare how much information is required. The organization of the information and the writing style decide how much the candidate scores. The time limit is set to twenty minutes, and the candidate should write more than 150 words. The response the candidate writes must be specific. In case the number of words is low, and the response does not address the question directly, the candidate will be penalized. Furthermore, to not miss the whole paper, it is important to not spend more than 20 minutes on this task as it carries only two-third of the total writing score.

    IELTS General Writing Task 2

    A semi-formal or neutral discursive essay is given to the candidates who are set to a minimum word limit of 250 words. Topics include socially important ones, like environmental problems, smoking and its effects, children’s freedom of choice, et cetera. The task implies giving information about a certain issue, putting forth opinions and arguing about a perspective and presents a discussion on the problem. It is important that this task does not take more than 40 minutes. There must be at least 250 words in the essay, and it should respond to the specified issue.

    Academic Training

    IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

    In the first task, candidates are given a visual which depicts some information. The visual may be in the form of tables, charts, graphs and diagrams. Along with this, a set of instructions is given that summarizes the information. The report should consist of an introduction, overview, data, comparisons and contrast, et cetera. Candidates need to write a minimum of150 words and have to avoid notes and bullets.

    IELTS Academic Writing Task 2

    In the second task, the candidates are supposed to write an essay that corresponds to the viewpoint, argument or issue. A topic along with a certain task is given. The topics are inclusive of socially important ones, including pollution, technology, traffic, climate, internet, et cetera. The task involves the justification of an argument or evaluation of pieces of evidence. Other tasks involve providing solutions to problems. Candidates must use relevant points and ideas to support their motions. At least 250 words should be written, and the article should not be more than 280-290 words in length.

    The candidate’s knowledge of utilizing English essay writing rules and jotting them down in a coherent way so that everything is clear is judged. The ability to express and extract emotions and opinions are tested.

    IELTS Writing Scoring Pattern

    The criteria for marks allocation for both genres of test-taking remain the same. There is a standard rubric designed for examiners to score the two tasks. This rubric comprises four different motions. These include coherence, that is, clarity, cohesion, lexical resources, grammatical accuracy and range and task achievement. 

    Task Criteria

    Task achievement: Task one

    This particular motion takes into consideration the overall information and correctness of the information provided. The word count should be at least 150 words.

    Task response: task two

    The central idea promoted to support the topic or motion is examined. A minimum word count of 250 words is required. Failing to meet the required word length might affect the scores of the candidate.

    Both tasks: Coherence and cohesion

    Here, the organization and connection between ideas and phases are judged. The number of paragraphs and the overall presentation is examined.

    Lexical resource:

    The smart use of an extensive vocabulary is tested here. Grammatical accuracy and range, spellings, punctuation, the structure of the sentence, etc., are very important. Moreover, handwriting and subject-verb agreement should be precise along with correct tenses. 

    Each task carries a score of 0 to 9, wherein the candidates are marked for each category. The average of the total makes the final score for the first two tasks. Since the second task carries a heavier marks weightage of 2/3rd, a standard reference is given that helps to evaluate the final score of the pupil.

    How can you score more on the Writing Section of the IELTS score?

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    INR 8500

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    IELTS weekdays

    Monday to Friday

    2 weeks

    INR 8500

    8 Live Classes, Online Study Material, Access to Test Prep Material, Unlimited Scheduled Doubt-Clearing Sessions

    Validity: 3 months


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