What is RPL Assessment for Australian Immigration?
Recognition of Prior Learning or RPL is a boon for candidates interested in skilled migration to Australia but lack formal education or training in their chosen occupation. RPL assessment allows them to demonstrate that their work and life experiences, in Australia or abroad, have earned them enough skills and knowledge equivalent to an Australian qualification - up to the Diploma level.
If you already have the basic skills for your chosen occupation, Recognition of Prior Learning can help you save money by negating the need of enrolling in related courses. But you first need to make sure that you apply for the correct skills assessment program for the visa you need.
Visa2Immigration has experienced consultants who can help you with each step of your visa and immigration process, including the RPL assessment.
Benefits of RPL assessment
If you are successful at the RPL assessment, you may be granted an Australian certification without having to study for a single day! It helps you to:
- meet visa conditions by presenting the Australian qualification you receive,
- study further in Australia in less time (by using credit transfers you receive),
- get the required license for your occupation, and
- improve your chances of finding employment in Australia.
Eligibility Criteria for RPL Assessment
Whether you are eligible for the RPL assessment or not, depends on:
- your industry,
- the type of qualification you are seeking, and
- relevant formal or informal training you have in your field.
You need to demonstrate that you have skills, knowledge and experience that matches the Units of Competency mentioned in the curriculum of the Australian qualification you want to obtain.
- written statement on how your previous learning matches the learning outcomes of Australian qualifications, including information like weekly topics, assessments, and readings,
- evidence to support your written statement, such as:
- a resume outline dates, job titles, and duties or tasks you performed,
- certificates of training programs and professional or personal development activities you participated in,
- employer or client references explaining how your experience is linked to learning outcomes of Australian courses, and confirm points you include in your written statement.
Industries covered in the RPL Assessment
- Automotive
- Building & Construction
- Business & Finance
- Civil Construction
- Community Services
- Engineering
- Fitness & Recreation
- Hair & Beauty
- Health & Massage
- Horticulture & Land Management
- Commercial Cookery & Hospitality
- Information Technology
- Meat Processing
- Mining & Resources
- Plumbing Services
- Security & Cleaning
- Transport & Logistics
- Vocational Education & Training
- Retail Services
- Events & Entertainment
We can help you determine which jobs in these industries can earn you Australian qualifications through RPL assessment and make you eligible for skilled migration to Australia.
Documents Needed for RPL Assessment
Visa2Immigration consultants can guide you about the exact documents you need but here’s a rough guide about what you might need for getting your prior learning experience recognized in Australia:
Specified Credit for Formal Learning
If your previous studies are directly comparable to the Australian curriculum for the course level, you may get credit for it. Documents that you will need to prove it include:
- official transcripts of your previous qualifications,
- unit outlines, assessment requirements, and unit weighing details,
- unit mapping with Australian qualification units,
- results with grades and their meanings,
- resume and evidence of employment, and
- written statement on how your previous learning matches the learning outcomes of Australian qualifications.
Unspecified Credit for Formal Learning
You might get RPL credit towards elective units of Australian courses even if you don’t have matching course content. Documents you need in this case include:
- official transcripts of your previous qualifications,
- unit outlines, assessment requirements, and unit weighing details,
- results with grades and their meanings, and
- resume and evidence of employment
Credit for Non-Formal Learning
Structure learning programs that they do not offer officially recognized qualifications may also earn you RPL credits. Documents required include:
- written statement on how your previous learning matches the learning outcomes of Australian qualifications, including information like weekly topics, assessments, and readings,
- evidence to support your written statement, such as:
- a resume outline dates, job titles, and duties or tasks you performed,
- certificates of training programs and professional or personal development activities you participated in,
- employer or client references explaining how your experience is linked to learning outcomes of Australian courses, and confirm points you include in your written statement.
Credit for Informal Learning
To receive credits for something you learn while doing work, volunteering, or other life experiences, you may have to present the following documents:
- written statement on how your previous learning matches the learning outcomes of Australian qualifications, including information like weekly topics, assessments, and readings,
- evidence to support your written statement, such as:
- a resume outline dates, job titles, and duties or tasks you performed,
- certificates of training programs and professional or personal development activities you participated in,
- employer or client references explaining how your experience is linked to learning outcomes of Australian courses, and confirm points you include in your written statement.
RPL Assessment Costs
The type of qualification you are seeking, and the mode of payment you choose determines the cost of your RPL assessment.
One can choose course levels ranging from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma.
RPL Assessment Processing Time
If you have all the evidence, it should take a few weeks to complete the process successfully.
How does Visa2Immigration help you with RPL Assessment?
We offer a free, no-obligation RPL skills assessment by experienced RPL assessment experts. In this pre-assessment process, we determine what industry you have worked for, what tasks you performed, and how long you have been worked in relevant jobs.
We also help you compile your ‘Experience Portfolio’ and the relevant documentation, such as:
- photos and videos of you doing your job,
- previous qualifications, and
- a well-designed resume with job references, and more.
Our consultants can answer all your questions, and help you complete practical tasks to demonstrate your skills and knowledge. They can help you gather workplace documents and also help you write a job description if required.
We help you complete your form correctly, and inform you what to do when you apply for a building license. With our help, getting a positive assessment by a registered RPL training organization (RTO) will be a breeze for you.
What if I don’t have proof of my previous qualifications?
Your previous qualifications are helpful if you have maintained them and applied what you learnt in subsequent years. Perhaps your learning institution can provide you with a copy of the qualification.
But even if you don’t have them, you can demonstrate your aptitude, skills, and competence without them. Visa2Immigration consultants can help you with it.