Points Calculator For Visa Subclass 489



    The 489 visa points calculator used by the Australian authorities take into account several factors to rank the visa applicants. You need 65 or more points in the 489 visa points test to be eligible for this visa. Here is how you are allotted points:

    • You get a maximum of 30 points for 489 visa if you are 25-32 years old when you apply for 489 visa. Those who are 18 to 24 years old or 33 to 39 years old get 25 points while those who are 40 to 44 years old get only 15 points. Those who are 45 years or more are not eligible to apply for this visa.
    • You get 10 points if you are proficient in English and 20 points if you have Superior English level. Hence, if you want to raise your score in the 489 visa calculator, you must try for a higher band score in the standardised English tests.
    • Your work experience also contributes a significant number of points to your final score in the visa subclass 489 points calculator. If you have a relevant work experience of 8 to 10 years outside Australia in your chosen occupation (only in the last 10 years), you get 15 points. For 5-8 years of experience, you get 10 points. You get 5 points for work experience between 3 to 5 years.
    • Work experience in Australia is naturally better when it comes to raising your score on the points calculator for Australia 489 visa. You get 20 points for relevant work experience of 8 to 10 years in Australia, 15 points for 5-8 years of work experience, 10 points for 3-5 years, and 5 points for working in Australia in your chosen occupation for 1-3 years.
    • If you are a doctorate degree holder, visa 489 points calculator grants you 20 points. You get 15 points for holding a Bachelor degree or above which is recognised in Australia. You also get 10 points for a Diploma or trade qualification done in Australia or recognised by the skill assessment authorities of Australia.
    • To meet the Australian study requirement and get 5 points for it, you should have completed at least one diploma, trade qualification, or degree from an educational institution in Australia.
    • When you are sponsored or nominated to work in the designated or specified areas of Australia, you earn 10 points for it too.

    Besides these, there are several other factors which can grant you points required for 489 visa. You may use Australia 489 visa points calculator on the official website to know exactly how many 489 visa points you can get or you may take the aid of our visa experts to know how to excel on this 489 visa point test.

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