Rules And Conditions For Visa Subclass 485


    Temporary Graduate Visa Subclass 485 Rules & Conditions

    Visa 485 comprises of two different kinds of visas. One is the Graduate Work Stream visa, and the other is the Post-Study Work Visa. The eligibility criteria for both these streams vary. Hence, the pre-conditions to the visas also differ. We shall look at both of these streams.

    • Graduate Work Stream – Preconditions
      1. The age criterion is the same for both the streams. The applicant should not be 50 years or more.
      2. There are 212 skilled occupations listed on the official site. The applicant should have a relevant qualification that is present in the list.
      3. Apart from the qualification, the applicant should have been assessed as possessing the skills required for the specific occupation on the prescribed list.
    • Post-Study Work Stream – Preconditions
      1. The age criterion is the same as for the Graduate Work Stream.
      2. The applicant should have an eligible visa and also fulfil the English language proficiency requirement.
      3. The applicant should have a recent degree from an Australian university in a CRICOS registered course.

    We shall now proceed to the post-issuance conditions for this visa 485.

    The department can stipulate an additional condition or two for both the work streams. Not all visas come with these conditions. However, if such conditions are present, the visa holders should satisfy them as well.

    Condition 8501

    The visa holder should make arrangements for his/her health insurance as long as they remain in Australia.

    Condition 8515

    This specific condition stipulates that the visa holder should not marry before his/her first entry into Australia. He/she should not enter into a relationship as well. Usually, you find this condition on the visas of children that accompany the primary applicant.

    The Visa 485 is different from the other visas in the sense that a family member of the principal applicant can apply separately after the issuance of the 485 Visa as a subsequent entrant. The post-issuance conditions can thus vary from one individual to another depending on the documents they produce when applying for this 485 Visa.

    Other than these conditions, the applicant and family members applying for this visa should fulfil the following standard conditions.

    • The applicant must be present in Australia when applying for Visa 485.
    • Similarly, he/she must reside in Australia when the department grants the visa.
    • However, the subsequent entrants can be out of Australia when they apply as well as when the department grants the visa.
    • All applicants should satisfy the stipulated health requirements.
    • Another common condition is that all applicants over 16 should submit character certificates when applying for the Subclass 485 visa.
    • Other conditions include signing of the Australian values statement, and not owing anything to the Government.

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