Fees and Cost of Visa Subclass 309


    Partner Visa Subclass 309 Fees & Cost

    The 309 Visa fees for the primary applicant is AUD 7,850. This amount covers the visa fees for both Visa Subclass 309 and the permanent Partner visa Subclass 100.

    Apart from the Visa 309 fee, you have to pay separately for health exams, character certificates, biometrics, and so on. Your co-applicants have to pay additional fees as well. We assist you with the estimation of your total Visa 309 cost.

    You can refer to the Visa Pricing Estimator that is available on the official website of the Department of Home Affairs. Use this estimator to know the amount of the fee you need to pay when you apply for Visa Subclass 309.

    Besides the 309 visa fees, you incur the following costs:

    • Every co-applicant more than 18 years old has to pay AUD 3,930.
    • Similarly, applicants less than 18 have also to pay the visa fee of AUD 1,965 per person. However, if they hold a Dependent Child visa Subclass 445, there is no need for paying the fees for Visa 309.

    Remember your 309 Visa cost is greater than the Visa 309 fees. The following additional charges apply:

    • All applicants have to undergo specific health tests. You have to pay separately for these health examinations.
    • All applicants over 16 years have to submit character certificates obtained from the police authorities. The Visa pricing estimator does not calculate these expenses.
    • Similarly, you have to pay separately for the biometrics generation.

    All these expenses add up to the cost of 309 Visa Australia.

    How to pay the 309 Visa fee?

    The Department does not accept offline modes of payment of the visa fees. You have to pay it online using your ImmiAccount. Creating an ImmiAccount is easy. Alternatively, we can help you with paying the Visa 309 fees.

    Mode of Payment

    The mode of payment of Australia Visa 309 fees is online. You can pay online in four ways.

    • Credit Cards – The department accepts all types of credit cards including MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Diner’s Club, and so on. Nowadays, it also accepts debit cards with Visa or MasterCard logos. However, you should inform your bank in advance and release the limit for making international payments. Usually, you have to activate these limits when you use credit cards for global payments. Bank charges apply.
    • PayPal – The department accepts your payment through a PayPal account. However, you should note that PayPal connects through payment gateways from outside Australia. PayPal charges a sum for the services they offer.
    • You can also use UnionPay or BPAY to pay the 309 Visa fees.

    The visa fees are non-refundable even if you withdraw the application at a later stage.


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