IELTS Test Books that are most popular in Students


    IELTS Test Books that are most popular in Students

    The very famous International English Language Testing System, also known as IELTS, is curated in a way to test the English of the candidates who want to visit/travel/move/study in the countries that have the English language as their first language of communication. The IELTS test is led by the IDP, Cambridge and the British Council. Valuation is done in English only for both academics as well as candidates of general training. 

    At Visa2Immigration, we give you the best online learning platform for you to prepare for the test according to your ease and preferable time. You can schedule your day accordingly. 

    Here are some of the most popular IELTS test preparation books you may use:

    • The Cambridge Guide to IELTS TEST:

    The studying material that is published officially by Cambridge helps candidates to not only just crack the test but also get a good score at the test. It covers the entire syllabus i.e., all the four subtests of the test; listening, reading, speaking and writing. It comes with proper instructions that guide the candidates well and pointers are provided to make the study material even easier to grasp. 

    By taking this study material, it becomes easier for the candidate to get good scores as it is like a practice series that they can do so that they get an idea of where they stand with their preparation. It has ten different practice tests for both academic as well as the general training test.

    • The Cambridge Series 10-12:

    The university press of Cambridge publishes study and test material known as the 10-11-12. The brownie point here is that is it authored by the people who had appeared for the IELTS test and thus, it is almost a hands-on experience of appearing for the test as the tips, tricks and techniques are already provided for the candidates who want to prepare and sit for the test. 

    This also includes both the variants of the test i.e., the academic and the general training and covers all four tests. A proper question-answer section is provided and sample answers and responses are also given for making it easier for the candidates to clear their doubts. The latest edition of the study material of the IELTS test is version 12 that was modified in 2017 and also emphasizes the practice tests.

    • English Collocation:

    The test book not only helps improve the skills of the candidates in writing and speaking but also gives great importance to the accent as well as pronunciation. It helps the candidates to shed any mother tongue effect when they speak and also improves their skill of forming sentences. There are around sixty lessons in total and every lesson is followed by tests to practice.

    • English Vocabulary:

    For candidates who wish to enhance their vocabulary, Visa2Immigration has got your back. We provide you with the cream of cream material so that there is no stone left unturned for you to get the best score when you sit for the test.

    • New Insight into IELTS:

    This is another brilliant IELTS preparation book. This could be another option for the candidates and yes, it is suitable for both academic tests as well as the general training test.

    • Official IELTS Practice Material Vol 1 and 2:

    This IELTS exam book is a compilation of the material provided by writers as well as examiners of the Cambridge ESOL, who are highly qualified. The target of these IELTS exam preparation books is to provide the candidates with loads of practise material so that they are satisfied with their preparation. It makes the candidates prepare because by practising from these books, the candidates get familiar with how the exam is conducted and even examined.

    • Improve Your IELTS Test Series:

    The study material comes in three sections:

    1. Reading
    2. Writing
    3. Listening and Speaking. 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    How much does it cost to study IELTS?
    It varies from country to country. We have our professionals at Visa2Immigration who will help you in guiding your according to your preferred country as well as University. 

    What are the rules and regulations for giving the IELTS test?
    The rules are provided clearly in the IELTS form. The candidates must go through it very thoroughly so that there is no confusion left and if you still feel the need to clear any doubts, we are more than happy to help.

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