IELTS Exam Syllabus 2021


    IELTS Exam Syllabus 2021

    Organizations like the British Council, Cambridge ESOL Examinations, and the IDP conduct the IELTS exam. This is for both the genres: Academic and General Training. 

    The IELTS test is recognized as a test that examines the proficiency of individuals in the English Language. These people usually intend to seek admission or employment in a nation where English is the language in command. 

    The exam comprises four sections that test each of the students' abilities in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The listening and the speaking sections remain constant for the two sections of the IELTS exam, but the reading and writing differ. 

    Exam Pattern of IELTS 2021

    Two test-taking variants are introduced as part of the IELTS exam. Students can choose either of the two depending on their choice. It is necessary to be informed of the exam syllabus and the pattern of each variant. This information assists the candidates to prepare better for the tests and therefore acquire a good score.

    Differences between variants of the Exam: 

    • Paper-Based IELTS Tests are of a duration of 174 minutes. The division of time includes 30 +10 minutes for the listening portion. One hour each is allotted to the reading and writing sections. For speaking, 11 to 14 minutes are allotted.
    • Computer-based IELTS Tests last 164 minutes. Here, only 30 minutes are provided for listening while others remain the same. In essence, one hour each is allotted to the reading and writing sections. For speaking, 11 to 14 minutes are allotted.

    The two tests are conducted by the British Council, Cambridge ESOL examinations, IDP: IELTS Australia. The score ranges between bands of 0 to 9, where 9 is the best score. Students can be marked in wholes and halves (0.5) scorings for both variants. 

    IELTS Test Components

    IELTS Academic and General Listening

    General Rules and Guidelines:

    • Ten minutes are provided to the candidates where they can copy their answers on the answer sheet. This particular procedure stands only for candidates giving the paper-based IELTS test.
    • Spellings are essential. While both British and American English are acceptable, the students must stick to only one throughout their assessments.
    • There are two sides to the answer sheet. One is for the listening section and the other for the reading section.
    • 4 sections/ 40 questions 

    IELTS Listening Component 

    • Section 2 consists of a monologue. A monologue is a talk that proceeds by a single person talking of a non-academic situation, as in a film or a drama.
    • Section 3 involves a conversation. Here, a group of four speakers talks about academic topics or situations related to the course. 
    • Section 4 is an Academic Lecture in the form of a monologue.

    IELTS Reading (Distinct for Academic and General Training Modules)

    General Rules and Guidelines:

    • Candidates are supposed to read texts of length from 2150 to 2750 words.
    • The text and corresponding questions progressively become more difficult. 
    • Only 60 minutes are given wherein all answers must be recorded. 
    • Each question carries one mark. 
    • There is no penalty for incorrect answers.
    • Spelling is essential. Both British and American variants can be used.
    • There is no grace time for transferring answers.

    IELTS Reading Component

    • For this section, texts from journals, newspapers, books, and magazines, along with ads, guidelines, and company handbooks, are taken.
    • The text provided is crafted especially for a non-specialist audience. 
    • One detailed argument is present in at least one text.
    • Texts can be descriptive, factual, analytical, and discursive. 
    • Texts may also contain non-textual elements. Graphical material like tables and diagrams are often provided. 
    • Reading level difficulty progressively increases. 
    • Passages are shorter and different in the general training section. 
    • Questions can be summary completion, allotting headings to paragraphs, yes, no type questions, and Multiple-choice questions. Table completion, sentence completion, matching similar information, and short questions are also included.

    IELTS Writing (Distinct for Academic and General Training) 

    General Rules and Guidelines:

    • Twenty minutes are given for the first task. 
    • The second task lasts 40 minutes.
    • More marks are given for Task two. 

    IELTS Writing Component

    • In the Academic category, Task 1 consists of a graphical representation of data (graph, chart, diagram, and table). Evaluation, description, or definition of the data is asked for, and there should be about 150 words in the answer.
    • The first task of the General Category involves a letter-writing task. The content can be informal, formal, or semi-formal. Informal letters are addressed to friends and family members, formals are written to professional institutions, while semi-formals are addressed to colleagues and professors.
    • The second task is the same for both categories and involves an essay writing task that responds to an argument, a perspective, or an issue. The approximate word count should be around 250 words.

    IELTS Speaking (Same for Academic and General Training) 

    General Rules and Guidelines:

    • Upon entering the examination hall,
    • Maintain a smile and be confident.
    • Maintain eye contact with the examiner 
    • Introduce yourself with confidence 
    • Let go of gestures that might suggest you're nervous. 
    • wear clothes that make you look smart 
    • Project your voice 
    • Speak with clarity 
    • Don't repeat what you said a lot 
    • Reply with more than monotonous sentences. 
    • The time allotted is between 11 to 14 minutes. 
    • Every speaking test is recorded.

    IELTS Speaking Component

    • Part 1 (Introduction): Here, you are given 4 to 5 minutes to introduce yourself. Longer answers must be given to showcase your abilities. Here, the examiner will ask questions to which the candidate responds about their personal life, likes and dislikes, et cetera.
    • Part 2 (Individual Talk): A verbal prompt is given, and the candidate has to talk about the topic given. One minute is given as preparation time, and two minutes are allotted for speaking. Two rounding-off questions are asked by the examiner to conclude.
    • Part 3 (Discussion Topics): The candidate engages in an active discussion of abstract issues and concepts discussed in the second part with the examiner. This part lasts 4 to 5 minutes. The examiner asks questions and the answers reveal the potential of the candidate to put forth opinions. Answers should be longer in this section and also more detailed.

    The IELTS guidelines keep the test free of all eligibility criteria. Only the four skill sets are evaluated as discussed above.

    The institution or program of study decides the minimum IELTS requirement. If candidates seek immigration, the IELTS exam requirement is decided by the immigration laws that relate.

    IELTS aspirants must be well informed and keep themselves up to date about the selection procedure of the institution they desire.

    You can either opt for coaching classes or study on your own to prepare for this test. The choice is solely yours and should depend on your language proficiency. If you're considerably fluent, you may not take any coaching. The only critical fact is to decide when to begin preparing so that time stays on your side. If you're going for self-preparation, ensure that you are well equipped with all books and resources. These are available easily. You will be working alone; you must keep all resources at hand.

    Visa2Immigration offers the best IELTS training program for candidates who opt for self-study programs. Contact us to know more.

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